Join KHC and WVCEH at their annual summit to end rural homelessness to hear about the mission and impact.

Join KHC and WVCEH at their annual summit to end rural homelessness to hear about the mission and impact.
Sheehan Landing groundbreaking marks start of 80-unit Permanent Supportive Housing facility in Louisville, offering on-site services for individuals experiencing homelessness.
Discover the importance of the K-Count census in understanding homelessness in communities across Kentucky.
James Scott was living paycheck to paycheck and staying a single room occupancy unit that felt like a college dorm room, not a home. Then he found Stonewall Terrace.
Jonathan Kumar—a user experience designer by trade, and founder of several projects to solve social issues—speaks with KHC’s executive director, Edwin King, about Samaritan.
Data is everywhere. Data is complex. Data can be confusing, becoming a four-letter word inducing anxiety, but data is so important as the foundation for making the best decisions, especially when administering housing solutions for families in the most need of shelter solutions and stabilization.
Representatives from the Greater Louisville Central Labor Council (GLCLC), Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs (KDVA), Kentucky Habitat for Humanity, United Way, Housing Partnership, Inc. (HPI), and other local organizations began to meet on a regular basis to brainstorm how resources could be merged to help not only this veteran, but also, almost 200 other homeless veterans in the area.
Representatives from the Greater Louisville Central Labor Council (GLCLC), Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs (KDVA), Kentucky Habitat for Humanity, United Way, Housing Partnership, Inc. (HPI), and other local organizations began to meet on a regular basis to brainstorm how resources could be merged to help almost 200 other homeless veterans in the area.
“Earl" (named changed to protect his privacy) visited the soup kitchen on the day I volunteered to prep and serve food. Trays are counted to track the number of hungry folks who came through for a fresh, hot meal.
In a two-part podcast series about the K-Count and serving homeless populations in the state, Kentucky Housing Corporation’s (KHC) Executive Director, Edwin King talks with rural housing service providers for families and veterans about their tireless work to overcome challenges and provide help, hope, and housing.