Jonathan Kumar—a user experience designer by trade, and founder of several projects to solve social issues—speaks with KHC’s executive director, Edwin King, about Samaritan.

Jonathan Kumar—a user experience designer by trade, and founder of several projects to solve social issues—speaks with KHC’s executive director, Edwin King, about Samaritan.
Jon Petz—Performance engagement, motivational and business leadership coach, and keynote speaker and author of Significance In Simple Moments—talks with Kentucky Housing Corporation’s Edwin King about having a performance mindset, engagement, and more.
Glenn Lundy, Host of Rise and Grind and Keynote at 2019 Kentucky Affordable Housing Conference, talks with KHC’s Executive Director, Edwin King, about formerly being behind bars and homeless and his triumphant story of success.
Data is everywhere. Data is complex. Data can be confusing, becoming a four-letter word inducing anxiety, but data is so important as the foundation for making the best decisions, especially when administering housing solutions for families in the most need of shelter solutions and stabilization.
Kentucky Housing Corporation’s Executive Director, Edwin King, talks with the executive director of the National Council of State Housing Agencies, Stockton Williams, to discuss insights on housing finance reform and the recently issued IRS guidance for projects that provide homes to at-risk populations.
Executive Director, Edwin King, talks with Barry Noffsinger, a leader in the manufactured housing industry with over 20 years of experience, including financial services. Together, they discuss how the image of manufactured housing is changing, along with the challenges and opportunities as an affordable housing solution.
KHC’s Executive Director, Edwin King, talks with executive director of the Tennessee Housing Development Agency, Ralph Perrey, about how these two similar state housing finance agencies, with a shared border and the Fort Campbell military base, are partnering together to meet unique needs.
Representatives from the Greater Louisville Central Labor Council (GLCLC), Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs (KDVA), Kentucky Habitat for Humanity, United Way, Housing Partnership, Inc. (HPI), and other local organizations began to meet on a regular basis to brainstorm how resources could be merged to help not only this veteran, but also, almost 200 other homeless veterans in the area.
Executive Director, Edwin King, talks with Kentucky Housing Corporation’s Jeremy Ratliff, general counsel and deputy executive director overseeing Legal Services and Tracy Thurston, managing director of Multifamily Programs, talk about improvements to the Qualified Allocation Plan.
Executive Director, Edwin King, talks with KHC’s Board Chair, William E. Summers, V., who has served as Chair since August 2008, about coming through the housing crisis, growing through change and innovation, and addressing housing needs for growing populations.