Jonathan Kumar—a user experience designer by trade, and founder of several projects to solve social issues—speaks with KHC’s executive director, Edwin King, about Samaritan.

Jonathan Kumar—a user experience designer by trade, and founder of several projects to solve social issues—speaks with KHC’s executive director, Edwin King, about Samaritan.
Jon Petz—Performance engagement, motivational and business leadership coach, and keynote speaker and author of Significance In Simple Moments—talks with Kentucky Housing Corporation’s Edwin King about having a performance mindset, engagement, and more.
Glenn Lundy, Host of Rise and Grind and Keynote at 2019 Kentucky Affordable Housing Conference, talks with KHC’s Executive Director, Edwin King, about formerly being behind bars and homeless and his triumphant story of success.
We have selected five of the most read blog posts or listened-to podcasts on Strategic Housing.
Kentucky Housing Corporation's Executive Director, Edwin King, sits down with Jacob Tamme, who is a former American football tight end and advocate of homes for wounded U.S. veterans who will be a keynote speaker during our 2018 Kentucky Affordable Housing Conference.
Kentucky Housing Corporation's Executive Director, Edwin King, sits down with Cara Brookins. She is best known as the mom who built her own house using YouTube tutorials.
Kentucky Housing Corporation's Executive Director, Edwin King, sits down with Sam Glenn, who is an award-winning, motivational speaker, storyteller, author, and performance artist who will be our opening keynote speaker during our 2018 Kentucky Affordable Housing Conference.