Terri Randol and her husband have been residents of Mt. Lebanon Senior Apartments for about two years. They moved in just before the renovation began.

Terri Randol and her husband have been residents of Mt. Lebanon Senior Apartments for about two years. They moved in just before the renovation began.
Representatives from the Greater Louisville Central Labor Council (GLCLC), Kentucky Department of Veterans Affairs (KDVA), Kentucky Habitat for Humanity, United Way, Housing Partnership, Inc. (HPI), and other local organizations began to meet on a regular basis to brainstorm how resources could be merged to help almost 200 other homeless veterans in the area.
Over its history, Housing Partnership, Inc. (HPI), has leveraged over $830 million into affordable housing in the Louisville region and served thousands of families with services ranging from housing counseling to homeownership assistance and developing and managing affordable rental housing, including projects targeted to special needs populations through creative strategies.