Kentucky Housing Corporation's Executive Director, Edwin King, sits down with the Mike Townsend, who serves as program coordinator for the Recovery Kentucky program.

Kentucky Housing Corporation's Executive Director, Edwin King, sits down with the Mike Townsend, who serves as program coordinator for the Recovery Kentucky program.
Over its history, Housing Partnership, Inc. (HPI), has leveraged over $830 million into affordable housing in the Louisville region and served thousands of families with services ranging from housing counseling to homeownership assistance and developing and managing affordable rental housing, including projects targeted to special needs populations through creative strategies.
At Kentucky Housing Corporation (KHC), the state housing finance agency, we know that stable, safe, quality, affordable housing provides the best foundation for other successful life outcomes.
Since this post is about Fair Housing Month and the 50th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act, it seems obligatory to make a statement about how far we have come, but how much work remains to be done?
While the mobile home wasn’t Lavon’s first choice, it was the closest place to rent near his son and daughter’s school. It also was walking distance to everyone’s job, which was a necessity.
KHC’s Executive Director, Edwin King, sits down with the newly named executive director for the National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA), Stockton Williams, for an in-depth conversation about Stockton’s vision to lead this national agency in the arena of affordable housing, when he takes the helm in April of 2018.
Safe, decent, and affordable housing can play a significant role in a person’s overall well-being and help shape their future.
Each year, KHC and our partners conduct the K-Count, an annual count of homeless adults and families across the state, to monitor the homeless situation in Kentucky.
Randall Howard just completed a new roof, switched an old large front window for a new one, and handed the homeowner the keys to her new door that actually locks.
This podcast is a continuation from the first, featuring Edwin King, Kentucky Housing Corporation's (KHC) executive director, and Mark Shelburne, senior manager with Novogradac & Company. Both continue to discuss the importance of the Qualified Allocation Plan (QAP) to Kentucky and changes KHC is making to improve the process and reduce red tape.