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    Edwin King Speaks with WKMS 91.3 about KHC

    Executive Director, Edwin King, spoke with Murray State's National Public Radio station, WKMS, about housing investments in Kentucky, especially in the western part of the state. Edwin addressed the lack of partners in that region, as well as the need to do more programs like Scholar House and Recovery Kentucky to strengthen the Commonwealth. Both programs provide housing with another component - education in the case of Scholar House, and care for addiction for Recovery Kentucky - that allow for participants to become self-reliant.

    Edwin said, "Recovery Kentucky was formed to help people recover from substance abuse which we found leads to chronic homelessness... Those programs throughout the state were really designed to reduce the state’s drug problems and resolve some of the state’s homeless issues.” Edwin explained that he wants KHC to look for innovative ways to solve housing problems while solving other issues related to housing. He also said he wants to use Recovery Kentucky and the Scholar House programs as the framework for improvement, and look at some new areas of focus to help youth aging out of foster care.

    This radio interview with WKMS aired Friday, July 28, 2017. To read more about it, or listen to the interview in its entirety, please visit the WKMS page.

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